30 Days of Thanks 2014 – Day 25


Today I’m thankful for a different perspective in my yoga practice. I’ve been away from it for a bit, and since I’ve had a few days off, I have been able to attend 2 classes in as many days.

The class I usually go to (and love) is on Sundays, but since yesterday was Monday and today is Tuesday, time of day dictated my class choice.

I attended a community flow class yesterday which reminded me how AWESOME yoga is at 1) recognizing how many muscles I don’t use regularly but should be and 2) making me feel good mentally at the same time as giving my muscles a run for their money.

Today, I went to the studio right after I dropped the little monkey off at school. I wanted to get my exercise in early as I had a lot of book business and bloggy business to attend to today. The class was entitled Breathe & Stretch, but I think “Tune-Up” would have been a more apt title. It was a smaller class, and I got a lot of feedback on my positioning.  Most times we were hardly moving, but I’ll be damned – if I wasn’t doing deep breathing through some of those poses, I would have keeled over! Intense, but great.

I’m sure I’ll be sore tomorrow (I was already sore from yesterday’s class today), but I am so grateful for the feedback, from my body and from my teachers.


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