Got Intuition? Then you might see a change…

I’ve been thinking a lot lately about change, how it happens, who notices, and why.  I think most people like to think they are in tune with what is going on around them or within themselves, but how many people are really?  Who notices the imperceptible nuances that switch a person’s thinking or actions? Sometimes not even the person who has had that switch occur.  Or maybe they do notice something, but choose to ignore it for a period, or forever.  And if other people notice, how often do they choose to say something, if at all?  I think that so much of the way today’s world is designed forces us to turn off our natural instincts, our “feelers”, so that our intuition is buried under an avalanche of technological  and societal distractions.  Not to mention, so many people are afraid of the effects that change will have on their lives, and even just the idea of change itself.

What’s the cure?  For me, it has been the off button.  I’ve been pushing it on various things in my life lately and I feel my natural instincts are being restored. Turn off the TV. Turn off the messages from crappy women’s health magazines that try to make me into something I’m not. Turn off the voice in my head telling me I have to do things to please others, or to be perfect.  Turn off other people’s voices who are not thinking of my best interests. And instead, I immerse myself in music, nature, writing. Remember that I don’t have to be perfect, that I am human.

I have flipped the switch on my instinct, intuition and developed trust – in me.


  1. […] I finally was able to go for a post-race jog/walk this morning, and I think I’ve mentioned before (or maybe I haven’t, it’s been a long week), that’s where I get some of my best thinking done.  It’s a kind of meditation for me…I look at the greening of the trees and the beautiful Spring flowers, all the houses in my neighborhood that I can’t afford, and let my mind go where it wants. So…this morning I started thinking about the events of the past week…specifically the little problem I had on Monday, and how sometimes just like in the movies, life gives you previews of what’s going to happen next, if you only pay attention. […]


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